Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fortune Street Win!

I had picked up Fortune Street for the Wii a couple of weeks ago, and last night I was able to convince both my wife and her mother to play a game with me. (In case you don't know, Fortune Street is a Monopoly-like board game, developed by Square Enix and published by Nintendo, in which players expand properties and invest in stocks; it features characters and locations from both Dragon Quest and Super Mario. This is the first in the series to come to North America, but at least eight have been made in Japan since 1991.) To my chagrin, it was decided to play under Easy Rules, so it was a less hectic, slower-paced game with no stock market, but I was outvoted so I took my defeat graciously by trouncing everyone and winning the game as Slime. My wife, Pricessa of DQ2, took second, while my mother-in-law, Donkey Kong, placed a respectable third, leaving COM-controlled Luigi crying on the floor. Everyone had fun, and I think I may be able to talk them into trying the Standard Rules with stocks next time!

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