Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the LP...

I think I mentioned somewhere that I was sick, and I was going to continue the LP of Dragon Warrior once I felt better. Well, that was in September, and I still haven't come back to it. This is partly because, even though I eventually did recover from that superbad cold, I just can't keep up the time required to do a video LP. It's not the gametime, I can fit that in; it's the editing. Especially with an infant, editing is very important because I am constantly interrupted. This is easy to handle if I'm just recording game footage, but not so much when giving live commentary. So as much as I'd like to continue the video LP, I think I'm going to have to flip-flop again—permanently, this time—and go back to just text write-ups, probably only one at the start of each game. As such, I'm going to delete the posts from here that link to YouTube (I'll leave the videos up there, just take down the links). I may continue with the tables listing new information for comparison as it comes up in-game (because I for one think it's interesting), or I may just keep it together in my own chart and post all that at the end, probably on GameFAQs.com if I go that route.

I am still recording the raw footage, just for kicks (and to help me compare texts, which is the whole reason I started doing this), and I may occasionally post a video of something out of the ordinary. Of course I still have the poll going at the top of the page, so feel free to vote on that.

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