Monday, April 22, 2013

The Sad Truth about Let's Play Videos

So. It's obvious that activity has been slow on my end lately. Let me bring you up to speed on what's been going down. (Er...down to speed on what's been up...?)

There are two reasons that I haven't been creating new videos. Primary among them is that on January 9, my mother-in-law had a stroke. Don't worry, she's okay, but she does require assistance getting around and doing mundane things as she gradually regains her strength. What this means is that on my days off, I am looking after both her and my 2-year-old son. It also means I am doing mostly housework in between, since she's unable to help with anything that requires, basically everything. Obviously my wife is helping too, but when she gets home it's hard to do any recording in the evening because of all the prep that has to be done for the next morning so things can run smoothly during that hectic time.

The second reason is that, during the transition of preparing for life with my wife's recovering mother, we moved our stuff out of the nursery and gave the toddler his own room. What this means is that the entertainment now actually our bedroom. If only the stroke had been an issue, I would just come upstairs at night to continue my hobbies, but since the baby's needs also changed I've had to give that up. My wife has enough trouble sleeping at night and doesn't need me waking her up with video game commentary. Add in that she too is recovering, in her case from dental surgery, and...well, it's just not looking good for my YouTube account right about now.

Because of this, most current and future Let's Play videos are under indefinite suspension. I'll be continuing Dragon Quest IV from where I left off (as best I can...I went ahead just a little bit on the DS card) in blog form. I'll attempt to finish Where's the Blanket Charlie Brown? since it seems like it's almost finished and is also one of the more popular things on my channel, surprisingly, but I can't put forth a schedule. I apologize for this happening just when I was really starting to get into it again, but it can't be helped. I'm definitely not complaining; it's just how things are, and I'm honored to be able to help out. Unfortunately that means I can't find time to do video for now, which is something I'd been hoping to get into for a couple years, but I hope you all continue to play along with me on the blog! I'll get started on that as soon as I can, and thanks for reading about my adventures! ^_^

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