Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Torneko: The Last Hope #03

All right! Let's get on with it~!

Mt. Fiery! This is as far as I got the last time I played; let's do this! Scrolls are the tutorial this time around. Yeah...all the dungeons so far have basically been tutorials. At least there are actually some weapons and armor in here this time. Well, armor; Picks don't really count. Oh, my! An injured soldier! But don't worry about him, the King is ahead, he says! Okay!

Oh my goodness, Flames. And now there are traps. Mt. Fiery is not the friendliest place. You know, I take that back--this Metabble+1 Sword is working out great, thanks dungeon! And the deeper we go, the hairier it gets--7F and lower are full of Trolls! And I'm out of Bread and Herbs.... I see a stone statue, but it isn't registering on the map as a foe. Staying away in case I'd wake it up! And yeah, it's definitely a monster, I passed by another.

And 9F introduces Goopi! Damn, I have to walk by one. Grabbed my foot! And, they summon Stone Men. But on 10F, I'm doing great! Level 14, ha! Cleared the dungeon just as Torneko starts to get hungry.

A pentagram! So what do we do? We immediately stand in the center of it! D'oh! A voice calls me Child of Man. How does he know my daddy's name?! It also gives me a Fiery Murmur. Okay. And the King is here! Yay! He steps on the pentagram too, but apparently receives no murmur.

Back at the Castle! Everyone is overjoyed. The Baron keeps panting. The King reveals what he has found! Of course, it's the Old Man's fault, right? Based on him saying the Joy Chest is not good, and he came from the western city. How could it not be good to be happy?! And everyone knows west is evil, right?! Oh, it's been ravaged by Dragons. I mean, no one would ever leave a city overrun by Dragons, y'know? He must be their leader! Oh, finally something that makes sense. The Old Man was in Mt. Fiery and was unharmed by monsters. That actually is suspicious. Now I'm sent to the Lost Forest to arrest him! And of course I can't check out the Fiery Murmur, even though the info it gives is supposed to be important.

Haha! One of the guards says his son has turned into a jerk, and he's a failure as a father! Must be the Loudmouth's dad, heh! Lol, Maggie is displaying the kung fu she'll do to monsters who try to destroy the innocence of children and hurts her back! And the Bank has started handing out free gifts! I get a Joy Herb and a World Leaf, which raise your Level and revive you upon defeat respectively. Haha, that Ernest! He thinks the King game back to eat; he thinks that because he's hungry. Remi's Magic Shop is now open at the Graveyard! Buy an Iron Safe for 2000G! Also, now we can level up before entering a dungeon, for a cost.

Well, that's about it for now. Later!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Torneko: The Last Hope #02

 I'm back! All righty then...

Apparently, the Blacksmith was given the King's Sacred Flame to use in his forge, but can't retrieve it because the Castle Basement has become--dun dun dunnnnnnnn~!--a Magic Dungeon. King is furious! There has also been a Baker lurking around the Graveyard...all righty then. Also, one of the guards suspects this is all the Old Man's fault...of course.

Castle Dungeon! Magic staves are the Item du jour this time. Stupid Trick Bags, stealing all my money; got it back, though! Phew! This was the first dungeon that required a little bit of strategy. It wasn't difficult to recover from bad spots, but there were a couple of places where a less thoughtful Torneko might not have made it.

We got the Sacred Flame, so the Blacksmith will pay us back! Altruism wins again! Now we have a lock for our storehouse. On a related note, several of the Castle guards are afraid of the Power of Torneko. Or something. And by the next morning, Ed has repaired the entire storehouse! ...But it's still a mess, so capacity is limited. However, with more money....

Looking around town, it seems that the Castle has been reduced to a skeleton crew--top secret goings-on. Someone wants to open a magic shop, but the Baker's wailing at the cemetery is proving too bothersome. And a guard says that he can't find the Joy Chest in the village...perhaps insinuating that the chest in Torneko's home is not truly the Joy Chest?! But now, on to the Graveyard! The Baker wants help reaching his mentor's grave. The Old Man pops out, muttering about how A) he can't find Torneko and B) monsters have spread all the way over here. But sir, A) you shoved Torneko out of your way, so you're incredibly observant, and B) we're right freakin' next door to the Joy Chest, again! Sheesh!

Cemetery Dungeon! Woooooo~~, just in time for Halloween. Herbs are this dungeon's specialty item. There are many varieties in this game with offensive effects--they're not just for healing! But sometimes not so effective...I got knocked out by a Mummy Man who wasn't particularly blinded by my science. Guess I should have used a Warp Herb on him...just thought of that. Meh. Retry is going better so far. Disturbing dialogue: "Why did my Master have to get buried so deep?" Shudder to think. When finally we reach the grave, the Baker finds the recipe for Magic Bread and offers this prayer:

"May the spirits of bread guide you in your afterlife..."

...Right. But there's a bakery in the Square now, so let's forgive him! Nina was so worried about Torneko she forgot to feed Paulo! Neglect! That night....

His Majesty is missing! Apparently he's gone off with a company of soldiers to investigate on his own. Silly! Only one tubby is allowed to investigate dungeons, and that's Torneko! Seems he's tracking the Old Man. ...And, we somehow know where the Old Man lives, but we don't know who he is? Okay. Awwww, Paula and little Lulu are playing like Torneko and Nina! Warm and fuzzy feelings! Oh, and the soldier who suggested that we didn't have the Joy Chest? Apparently he hadn't made it all the way over to my house since the beginning of the game. Now he's there; he's convinced. Oh, and now a guard outside the Inn is calling Torneko tubby. Oh good, it's not just me!

At the Old Man's House, the Rumormonger wants to know if there was a ruckus at the Castle. I'd better tell her, right? No. And the forgotten mayor! He practically begs me to rename the village just so he can do something! Ha! A soldier at the door redirects us to Mt. Fiery. Next time!

Phew! I'm glad I quit doing this on Twitter, that's a lot of tweeting!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Torneko: The Last Hope #01

Hey all! What's up!

This post kind of marks a return to LPS×S. I tried the Twitter updates for a couple of play sessions, and I didn't really like it. So I'm coming back to the blog, but with a decidedly less "formal" tone. I'll just write about what happens in the game, and what I think is silly/funny/whatever in the story, in short little blurbs as I go, leaving the really informative stuff for the one post at the beginning of a game (like where I go over all the different releases and such). So I'll kick this one off by repeating my tweets for #Torneko2 in blog form!

Coming home, I'm met with a mysterious man who thinks my having the Joy Chest (see Torneko no Daibōken 1, yo!) is a problem. Now monsters appear! Odd Field! It's now a magic dungeon! Super easy but the poor fool villagers were scared. Storehouse collapse! Next up, Banker!

Banker's mansion is infested with monsters! "Kind sir, though I have no idea who you are, could you retrieve my safe?" Absolutely! Old Man is still looking for me (and walks on by), mumbling "it's already spread to here"...all the way from my house, I guess. Mansion Dungeon! Word of the day is "Arrows." Got the Safe, now the banker can open his bank so I can save my Gold! Altruism!

Blacksmith happily shouting about being allowed into the Castle basement! Sounds great, but this is a video game, mirite~!?