Sunday, November 4, 2012

Torneko: The Last Hope #04

No intro, right into the action! Lost Forest! Oh, a Gargoyle with a shop! Didn't bring any money with me, so I only have enough for some bread, really. On 3F, we see something new: ice panels! Slip-n-slide!

4F: I need to stop attacking Mummy Men. Hmmm.... Pillow Rats seem to be mildly annoying right now, just moving to act like they're threatening, but then stepping back. Ooh, nice, a Gargoyle selling shields! I needed one, since I only took a sword and Outside scroll with me (in case of emergency!). An emergency like the one on 7F, where I disturbed a meeting of Yetis and got knocked out before I could run to safety. Did I remember to use the Outside scroll? No, I was too busy running like a moron. D'oh! I guess I'll retry...I've lost everything I came in with now, though.

On the retry, I'm getting mauled by Big Mushrooms. My Strength is down to 3! Close call on 6F, Mummy right behind me and I just barely found the exit in time! No way to heal right now besides waiting, and that doesn't work with monsters in the room.... Aaaand on that note, 7F is my end again, knocked out by a Dance Vegi. The Gargoyles failed me! I never found one shop that time! Retry once more.

AWWWW YEAAAAH, there's a Dragon-X sword for sale on 2F! I'm just a little short on cash since a Trick Bag got me before I got knocked out last time. AAARGH, I just need one more gold bag to buy it! And I got hit with two poison traps while looking for cash, so I'm down to 6 Strength already. Gotta take what I can buy, I guess. Another shop on the next floor, now I get an Antidote and a sword again!

Okay, 7F again, and now I have a Bronze Shield+3. Let's see how it goes this time. Awesome, actually made it to 8F! Meeting Wyverns now, great sources of Exp! Stepped on a trap, and it molded all my bread. Yuck! Also decided to kill that group of Yetis--they're fast! But I lived, so that's nice! 9F! I'm just going to run for the exit now, and I get to 11F easily. Aaaand, there's a Level 3 Berserker. Done.

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