Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Torneko: The Last Hope #06

Toro Ruins! Is that "Loto" spelled backwards? Kinda!

1-3F are super easy, as usual. Lots of good Staves, too! Down to 6F with no major problems, Druids and Derangers and such are annoying but not awful. I'm running low on bread though, and I'm carrying way too much stuff. Then on 7F, an Evilamp catches me when a Druin puts me to sleep, and I end up surrounded and crushed by no less than fifteen monsters. Awesome.

Things are looking pretty good on the second try, except that I'm lower on bread. I took a chance and started with a Melding Pot I got from the bank, and I've put my Metabble Sword+1 and every other sword I find into it. Hopefully it can save me. Down to 6F with no problems....

7F--killed an Evilamp, got a Dragon-X Sword+3! My Mettable is up to +8 now, with the Dragon-X skill on it, woot! I'd better be winning this time! Scapegoat and Itemizer Staves save my life. Heal Pots are great too, but I used it up by the time I reach 11F. Okay, Spectets' Ironize is really annoying. On to 12F! Wow, direct path to the exit. I'm gone!

13F! Manage to down a Magiwyvern for 115 EXP, nice! Right at the exit, too...almost there! Surrounded, I decide to break out the Mettable+8, and I still almost die. Saved by a Warp Herb that I Itemized from a Spectet! Then I get stuck in a hallway confused, and lose everything. Yuck.

Always the glutton for punishment, I go back in. But I really should have stopped, so I use a Quicksave Scroll to interrupt the dungeon after 3F. We'll pick up there next time!

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