Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blogging: Is It Right for ME?

So, several months ago I had an idea, and that idea was the "Let's Play: Side × Side" concept. Inspired by the multitude of "Let's Play" videos (aka "LPs") on the internet, I decided to try my hand at it, but with a twist! You see, I play a lot of older games, a lot of RPGs—you know the ones, those where it seems like every year they're rereleasing the game again, with improved graphics, improved sound, expanded storyline, bonus dungeons, ad nauseam. People often seem to ask about such games: "Is this remake better than the original?" "Why did they change all the names?" "Are the bugs fixed?" "Does [glitch A] work to get [effect B] in the remake?" "Hey, is this the Final Fantasy with Cecil and Rydia?" Basically, "What differences are there?" 

My goal was to answer these questions by posting my own LPs. But whereas most LPs focus on a single version of a game (if more than one exists, of course!), I instead played all versions of the game, in short segments one after the other, and displayed the results of that effort in a series that I called "Let's Play: Side × Side." It worked out okay, I think, but there were some issues:
  1. Time constraints. The YouTube format is pretty unforgiving if you go over your time limit, so I found myself rushing to try to fit all of the information into the videos; it ended up kind of encyclopedic and dry as a result. (Of course, at that time I never thought of posting videos here. /shrug)
  2. Video editing. Trying to weave all of the footage together was a major undertaking. Watching the footage to make sure it got recorded correctly, trying to line up split screen shots, timing out the narrative ahead of time—it all just got to be too much to do, and that was before my life suddenly took a turn for the hectic!
While I still want to make the videos, I simply don't have the time for all that editing (I haven't even been able to record a simple LP for a couple of months)! So I'm going to try it out here. No time limit, no rush, just me playing games and typing out what I think about them for your reading pleasure. And apparently I can insert images and videos as I please to enhance the text—très awesome!

So, is blogging right for me? Let's find out! ^_^

And if you're interested, don't forget to vote in the poll at the top—help me choose a name for our hero~!

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