Saturday, August 6, 2011

Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?

So, in a non-gaming-related post, today I purchased a wireless keyboard and mouse for my laptop. Now I am unencumbered by the HDMI cable sending lights and sounds to my television as I lean back in my chair and type to my heart's content. I have wanted to do this for a long time, and I am pleased. (I am, however, encumbered by my suddenly cuddlesome cat, whom I am currently using as a keyboard platform.)

For those curious about the poll at the top, no, I am not leaving the vote open for five years! ;-) I'll start playing sometime next week (probably—Baby could preempt that), at which time I'll close it off. As for the results, if something other than "Jason" or "X" wins, I'll be using a silly little app on my iPhone called "Names for RPG" to randomly select a name from the winning category. There are a few categories that I did not include in the running this time, namely Halfling, Orc, and Drow Elf (seriously, I don't even know what that is!), but maybe in the future they will see some use.

On a final note, you should all sign up for free accounts at My username there is x_loto, and I always welcome a challenge! And as you might see if you were to look at my profile, I also always lose! ;-)

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