Monday, August 15, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Home from the Market...

So I gassed up the car today on the way home, and as I drove through the parking area on my way out I came upon a stop sign. Of course I stopped, and someone drove up from another direction. Now he didn't have to stop but he did anyway, and he was looking down in his lap, so I figured he was busy and I went on. Hey, even with no sign, he was stopped, right?

Well, as I drive by, and again as I pull up to the edge of the lot and stop as I prepare to reenter traffic, I hear a honk. I look behind me, and it's the same silver-haired man from the stop sign. I'm thinking, Is he mad? Does he think I cut him off? Then I look again, and he's got his hand and finger shaped like a gun pointing somewhat downward, like he wants to throw me to the curb and pop a cap on my A. It takes a couple more times before I realize it isn't a gun, it's a gas nozzle, and he's trying to tell me I'd left my gas cover hanging as I drove off!

This is my car in traffic without me. >_<
So I jump out of the car to quickly take care of that issue. He asks me, "You know what I mean, don't you?" after which I say yes, thank you, while I close the door and lock it in a single motion. It's a really handy habit to have when leaving the car with the keys in your hand—not so handy when key is in the ignition and the car is running and it's sitting basically in the middle of the road. So yeah, that was fun. Every so often someone would stop and ask if I needed help—even one of the Kroger employees came over—and I had to explain that I couldn't push it out of the way because I'm locked out:
Them: "Right here?!"
Me: "Inorite lol!"
But I did get to play traffic director and guide people around my car for fifteen minutes until the spare keys drove up!


  1. I have supplied your screenshot, sir!

  2. That is epicly awesome. My friend has a similar story almost as good. He was out on the highway and had to pull over to pick something up out of the ditch that someone had lost. He did the same thing... left the car running because he was just jumping out for a quick second, and locked the door as he closed it. was also pouring rain. He stood on the side of the highway in the pouring rain for like 30 mins.

  3. I have a story that trumps both of yours.

    3 of us in a car roughly 3:00am.

    The driver (wanting to show off his amazing driving skills in an empty parking lot) puts his car in reverse and floors it. And suddenly... shifts into drive. Which (much to my amusement) destroyed his drive shaft and dropped it to the ground.

    We all get out of the car to see the damage, not noticing the doors were locked.

    And yes it gets better.

    The car was on loan from someone else, as he had destroyed his previous car (I'm assuming in a similar fashion).

  4. This is why I never played well with others and didn't like sharing/loaning my things. There are too many stupid people in the world who don't take care of what they have even when it's not theirs.
