Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Future of LPS×S

Lately I've expressed misgivings about whether I shall continue this project. After giving it some thought, I've decided that no, I shall not; the format of episodes and recaps and all that is just...getting to me. I had much more fun posting the little tweets to give updates about my progress than I did writing up in-depth posts for the blog.

And so, that's where I stand: Instead of the large-format LPS×S blog, I'll continue to tweet about whatever it is that I happen to be playing. You can expect to see a lot of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, specifically XI and I for now, and anything else that I happen to pick up and play for a moment. I'll keep non-gaming chatter to a minimum, just because that's not really the place where I want to talk politics or religion for the most part, so if you follow me for games and you don't like what I say, just ignore it; I won't say it much. I'm @x_loto, and I'll be around. Thank you for reading! ...Of course, I never said this blog will be completely abandoned. Maybe we should all keep an eye out...just in case.

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